Saturday, March 3, 2012

What Are the Benefits of Ozonated Olive Oil?

Ozonated olive oil is an exquisite curative remedy that many habitancy have been buying and using for the past few years with great effects and you may even have heard about the overwhelming benefits about this supposedly newly developed remedy on television or may have read about it on the internet. The fact is that ozonated virgin oil is by no means a new product. Researchers as well as historians have found references to the use of ozonated virgin olive oil in the treatment of any amount of conditions such as ringworm, skin yeasts, fungal infections and many others as far back as more than one hundred years ago.

The calculate that ozonated olive oil costs as much as it does or at least the best quality of it costs as much as it does is that it takes more than six months to produce it. The manufacturers start with the best extra virgin olive oil that they can find. This goods itself is very prized as well as very priced when it is of the best quality. Through this extra virgin olive is bubbled pure ozone which is an isotope of oxygen. This process is done continuously around the clock for between three and six months. Over the period of this process, the extra absorbs some of the ozone that is bubbled Through it and it slowly turns into an off white paste that has a lot of curative properties.

Bee Stings Cure

While it was first used with great success in the local treatment of wounds and to prevent secondary infections, doctors soon started using it to treat infections and fungal growths as well as yeasts with equal success. Today it is one of the most beneficial and completely natural ways to cure any amount of infections and everything from insect bites to bee stings to skin yeasts. Fungal infections such as ring worm and Herpes simplex rejoinder very in fact to treatment with ozonated olive oil.

What Are the Benefits of Ozonated Olive Oil?

Because it is a completely natural goods that contains no synthetic chemicals or compounds, ozonated extra oil has huge advantages over the use of anti biotics and other chemical compounds in the treatment of all sorts of infections as all of these products have side effects that are sometimes very serious whereas ozonated virgin olive oil has none to speak of.

What Are the Benefits of Ozonated Olive Oil?Apitherapy Live From Ohio.wmv Tube. Duration : 3.93 Mins.

Apitherapy can heal cancer, nervous disorders, pain, multiple sclerosis...The AMA was totally informed that it was a scientifically proven cure for cancer in 1950 by the esteemed apitherapist Charles Mraz. The response? Sure Charlie, said the gentleman from Sloane Kettering, but I have to make a living! So no cure is safe in America unless it makes money in the right quantity for the right people. I will not accept that. Think of how many of our lives have been paused or ruined so that we could pay for their crap, half of it which does not even work. Some of it works, but the FDA is supposed to be open to all cures, right, not just the ones that can be patented! There is something rotten in Denmark, and something rotten at the AMA. The next time your MD disrespects you, march right off to an apitherapist and get the help you really need. Most of them don't even charge. Or, better still, start a hive and as Norm Bantz would say (see Norm Teaches Dana Apitherapy,) "Sting yourself!" For further instruction see The Lorraine County Beekeepers' Association, The American Apitherapy Society, Charles Mraz' Health and the Bee Hive, and get to it! OK, it hurts a little and you'll be swollen and itchy, but that's ALOT better than being broke! And broken!

Keywords: Apitherapy, Holistic Cure for Anorexia, Dana Lee Cohen, Jay Nolan, Apis Mellifera, Honeybee

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